martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010



The most anticipated album, hit the stores today!! Sadly our part of Europe will have to wait, but hope not for a very long time.

I've heard some songs... and hmmmm... I like Someday!

Video Sinfonia: link
The video for Sinfonia, is after some serious stealing problems also out... Watch it, and make your own opinion.

Watch Chris's latest interviews:

And read his twaats: @Christopheruck

sábado, 16 de octubre de 2010



The Uckermann's CD is now seriously on it's way. It should be in stores on 16th of november and it's name is "SOMOS".
So the excitement is growing and fast. Also because they've already released the previews; and let me say... Hmmmmm... One reason more why it's soooooooooooo hard to wait for the actual release of the album.

The previews are short, obviously, but oh so promising...

Also the art of the disc is interesting... An enormous amount of Mr. Uckermann's marching towards you... Well done I must say... I was expecting sth. weird, so on that point I happy with it.

This weekend they will film the video for the first single "Sinfonia"... in LA... with casting some fans and a giant lion on set... Mmmm Interesting. Giant animals are always good!!

They also have it in their hands... Sooo just a little wait more for us... Actually, thinking it through, ONE month!!!
More excited now!!!
P.s. Look at his eyes on the photo... Hmmm... they want to pop out of the pic...

Uck also made some preformances, on 3 FXA concerts... I liked them... The best part of all was the rave of some media people, who had only good things to say about Uck, which is always nice to hear and is only a confirmation of the kind of person he is.

About Uck:

El Paso:

Nuevo Leon:


Only about a week late with your post!!! Good job... High fiveeeee....

Second season will start its filming in january of 2011. First season is on it's way to a lot of countries (EU). Slovenia I think, obviously, isn't on the list... Obviously!!

On other note, in my opinion not all about the dream team, is magic... Like the idea of UCK... I understand, why they're trying to accomplish it, it just the damn demands, which as of march (Anahi concert in Slovenia) sadly are impossible solely on the fact of bad media she got. I said privately to some people... One year ago, we made all that "demands" a reality... Now I (personally) see it quite impossible... But that does not mean I'll not try.

I'm sure I've forgot sth.... I'm sure... But I'm ending his post with my favourite line from "Sinfonia"...


domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010

Nova izdaja revije Angelitosov

Oleee...spet smo tu in vam prinašamo čisto svežo izdajo revije Angelitos de Ucker Internacional.
V njej si lahko preberete poseben intervju z Christopherjevim menedžerjem Guillermom Rosas in ga tako spoznate pobliže.. Prav tako vam spodaj objavljamo povezavo do nove Christopherjeve Uradne spletne strani.

Bye bebes

viernes, 3 de septiembre de 2010

sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010

What's new & actually old =D !!!

I know I didn't do an update here for a century... I know and I feel really bad. But Iwill make up...
Well... Mr. Uck is still working on his album... which finally has it's name... But shhhh... it's still a secret. They say the Album will come out in fall... Let's hope!!

There Will Be A Preview of some sort on august 31st...

Trough the year we had the opportunity to hear some songs (or parts of songs). I'm not just
quite sure what to make of them, so I'll save my opinion until I hear them all in studio version. (But so far I'm quite optimistic.)
Some vids of the songs:

Vivir Soñando

La Maquina

They also released a video for Kdabra soundtrack - "Vivir Sonando" ... I think it's ok... but I also believe they can do a lot better. The song is a mixture of sounds (like promised)... and like I'm saying for about a year and a half... his voice is improving => on another level... Video is in my opinion a tad strange... but ok; maybe that was what they were going for. Who knows.
"Vivir Sonando":

On other note... KDABRA 2nd season is confirmed!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm soooo uber excited about
that... I love the first season... and I'm sure, second season will not disappoint!!
Obviously first season got good reviews and had good ratings, so we'll be able to enjoy in more!!
And I'm sooo pleased about this... Mr. Uck deserves that... he has enough talent =D.


Christopher want's to open a skate park in Mexico; he was talking about this idea already about a year ago, but now it may really come to reality. So give him a heart <3!!>


  1. Mr. Uck disappeared for the summer... he was working on his album and who know on what craziness. The "big" comeback will be on 31st of august I guess... and followed with a chat of some sort soon.
  2. When he comes back I hope he will start twatting again in his secret messages.
  3. Also the Uckermann's fan clubs are getting reorganized, but it's still a big mystery, when more information will be given we'll do an update and quickly start working!!
  4. There will be an exclusive interview in magazine "Para Todos" sometime soon... wit some "shockingly" new informations about Uck's plans.

THE CLUB ADU (- Slovenia):
  1. Also Angelitos de Ucker clubs are under some serious reorganization, but there is much to say so I'll make a new post soon.
  2. Soon is Ucks birthday... so there is sth going on about that.


Angelitos de Ucker now has also a online magazine (in spanish)... about Uck (obviously) and there are also interviews with people, who work closely with Mr. Uck. Someday maybe also an interview with Mr. Uck himself.

P.s. My english is far form perfect, but I try. If I think of sth. I'll update!!