The Uckermann's CD is now seriously on it's way. It should be in stores on 16th of november and it's name is "SOMOS".
So the excitement is growing and fast. Also because they've already released the previews; and let me say... Hmmmmm... One reason more why it's soooooooooooo hard to wait for the actual release of the album.
The previews are short, obviously, but oh so promising...

Also the art of the disc is interesting... An enormous amount of Mr. Uckermann's marching towards you... Well done I must say... I was expecting sth. weird, so on that point I happy with it.

This weekend they will film the video for the first single "Sinfonia"... in LA... with casting some fans and a giant lion on set... Mmmm Interesting. Giant animals are always good!!

They also have it in their hands... Sooo just a little wait more for us... Actually, thinking it through, ONE month!!!
More excited now!!!
P.s. Look at his eyes on the photo... Hmmm... they want to pop out of the pic...

Uck also made some preformances, on 3 FXA concerts... I liked them... The best part of all was the rave of some media people, who had only good things to say about Uck, which is always nice to hear and is only a confirmation of the kind of person he is.
About Uck:
El Paso:
Nuevo Leon:

Only about a week late with your post!!! Good job... High fiveeeee....
Second season will start its filming in january of 2011. First season is on it's way to a lot of countries (EU). Slovenia I think, obviously, isn't on the list... Obviously!!
On other note, in my opinion not all about the dream team, is magic... Like the idea of UCK... I understand, why they're trying to accomplish it, it just the damn demands, which as of march (Anahi concert in Slovenia) sadly are impossible solely on the fact of bad media she got. I said privately to some people... One year ago, we made all that "demands" a reality... Now I (personally) see it quite impossible... But that does not mean I'll not try.
I'm sure I've forgot sth.... I'm sure... But I'm ending his post with my favourite line from "Sinfonia"...